The Slippery Slope & the Road Home - 7/14/2024

Jul 14, 2024    Pastor Steve & Jen

Why do people run away from God? Usually, they want to be free from God's standards (holiness). It's not religion that offends people. It's the holiness of God. For most, it is a process or a slippery slope. Instead of freedom, they find themselves captured by their own passions: fear, anger, envy, ambition, self-indulgence, and lust, to name a few. Paul lays out the steps that carry us away from our Creator in this passage. It is not God who moves away from us. It is us who moves away from Him. He did not reject us. We rejected Him because we wanted a god we could control. One that would not demand that we live holy lives. It's a slippery slope when we exchange the truth of God for a lie & worship creation rather than the Creator. There is good news, though: we can come back to God. We can retrace the rebellious steps that led us away. We can finally recognize our rebellion and surrender to God, who will insist we live holy and pure like Jesus. We may find ourselves on a slippery slope, but there is a road home.