Blindness to Kindness 8/4/2024

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Steve & Jen

At times, as Christians, we can get caught up in the mundane and begin to accept the status quo. “This is how life is. Is this all there is? I'm just going to settle in and expect nothing more or nothing less.” We can't see ourselves doing anything more than we are, and we settle into our comfortable life. Elisha was not content, just settling in and finding a comfortable place. He chose to seek God in all His ways. In doing so, Elisha was able to model for many who have been stuck in the mundane to see beyond their current situation and see with spiritual eyes. He wanted them to see and hear how God wanted to intervene in their lives. When we are spiritually blind, we can easily be deceived, but when we see clearly, we will have the strength to show God's kindness. Have you chosen to see and listen with spiritual eyes and ears in your current situation?