Let Faith Arise- 9/1/2024

Sep 1, 2024    Pastor Steve and Jen

Last week, we talked a lot about a man named Abraham. God credited him with righteousness when he believed God's promises. Abraham is the father of all who believe. Today, we will continue to discuss Abraham's faith and how this impacts all of us as believers. Do you sometimes feel like things the Bible speaks of don't seem quite to be working out in your life? You may even feel like you are working so hard, yet things get very close to vaporizing right before your eyes. Today, Paul reminds us that Abraham, much like you and I, had to wait patiently to receive what God had promised. Abraham, like you and I, had to work out his Faith in God.


We are likely the most instant society ever to exist. We have instant food, instant income, instant friends, instant resources, instant information, and so on. Our relationship with God isn't based on photos, posts, wealth, status, or prestige. However, our relationship with God is based on faith, which is believing in God’s promises that sometimes may seem ridiculous and unseen. Abraham chose to believe, and because of his faith, he could experience God's promises. When things seem impossible, faith can still arise, and we will see God's promises fulfilled in our lives.