Inside Out -7/28/2024

Jul 28, 2024    Pastor Steve & Jen

Is it possible to remain rebellious while being religious? According to Paul in Romans 2, it is indeed possible. This is why people love to use the phrase, “It’s not religion (outward), its relationship (inward).” In this passage of scripture, Paul categorized the symptoms of a person who practices religion while remaining rebellious. This can hit close to home. In Romans 1, it was possible to look out at others and feel sad for their lost condition, but Chapter Two is all about looking inside and examining our own hearts. Our outward faith should reflect what is happening inside our hearts and minds, and when it does not, something is wrong. This isn’t a message to shame or condemn us. Paul is trying to protect those of us who go to church and know the Bible so that we won’t fall into a dangerous deception. He wants us to examine ourselves and to see that there is not a heart that hasn’t truly surrendered, hiding underneath a veil of religion. To have a true and authentic relationship with Jesus, we must fully surrender, allowing God to do an inward work. The kindness of God leads to repentance, and our outward expression of this should come from an inward work. We should all long to live Inside Out.