The First Jew- 8/25/2024

Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Steve & Jen

Last week, we learned about justification, the act by which God moves a willing person from the state of sin (injustice) to the state of grace (justice). This gift of unrivaled love is given to those who receive it by faith, and faith is a choice. In this week's passage Paul points to Abraham so that we can continue exploring what happens in a person when they put their faith in God. Abraham had listened to God and done many things God had asked Him to do. He had moved his family to a strange land when God told him to go. Yet, it would be years later that God would credit Abraham with righteousness. If Abraham had already listened to God's instruction, what changed? It's quite simple, really. Abraham believed in his heart. Righteousness can only be credited to us through faith. The Law comes after salvation, not before. Abraham did not become the first Jew because he was following God's Law or because he was circumcised; neither existed then. He became the first Jew when he believed in God's promises. We are credited with righteousness when we believe in Jesus, just like Abraham.