Dirty Feet - 3/26/2023

Mar 26, 2023    Steve & Jen

The Passover began on Thursday evening that year. The other gospels record that the celebration had been prepared earlier in the day (Mt 26:17-19; Mk 14:12-16; Lk 22:3-6). Jesus had arranged a secret place for them to have their meal together (Mk 14:13-16; Lk 22:8-13). Jesus deliberately hid the location of the meeting site from the disciples so that Judas Iscariot could not report their location to the priests until after the meal had been eaten. It was vital to Him that He be able to observe Passover with them, present His final teachings and pray for them (Jn 13-17). Although, He had sent Peter and John to prepare the room and the meal. While Peter and John were busy doing those things, Jesus and the other disciples spent the day elsewhere. On that final evening in the upper room, Jesus modeled an attitude that belongs in the heart of every true disciple: a love for God and others that is so strong it causes us to cast aside our desire for honor and take the lowliest place of service. Before the Passover meal was served, Jesus picked up a towel and washbasin, knelt, and then one by one washed the sweat and dirt off His disciples' feet, showing His love for them to the end, as He humbly demonstrated how we should care for one another. Jesus’ love and humble sacrifice caused Him to take on the dirt of our lives, so that we can do the same for one another.