A New Covenant - 6/4/2023

Jun 4, 2023    Pastor Steve & Jen

Jesus knows that the next several days will be incredibly devastating for them. So, He leaves them with words of hope, truth, and promises they can reflect on during that time. Just as we would hang on to the final words of a loved one on their death bed, we should listen carefully now. Jesus is not presenting a new theology to the disciples. Old Testament promises to speak of God doing miracles inside His people. And the people who experienced those inner changes would greatly expand God’s kingdom (Ac 1:7-8; Isa 54:1-3). Jesus is establishing a new covenant. The new covenant is established through Jesus by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, replacing our hearts of stone with a heart of flesh (Ez. 36:26), enabling us to walk in His commandments (Ez.36:27).