The Fight 1027/2024
As Christians, this is a staple passage, but I'm not sure for the right reason. We like to relate to Romans 7 as a passage of scripture that shows us that even Paul struggled. We often relate to his words as if, finally, someone gets the struggle! Yet, Paul's goal here is not to be relatable or diminish the law's goodness. He also does not give us permission to sin or excuse our responsibility to be fully surrendered to Jesus. Instead, Paul seems to be speaking to his culture and reminding them that without a Savior, they cannot unhitch from sin and that no matter how good they are, they cannot stop sinning. We cannot stop sinning without fulfilling a blood covenant's requirement. It's not about meeting requirements but mending our relationship through Christ Jesus with God the Father. Jesus fulfilled the law and freed us from all its demands. As believers, we will always have to deal with our flesh. It is the fight of the inner man, but in Jesus, we can find victory!