IDENTITY TRUTH - 6/23/2024

Jun 23, 2024    Bekah Watanabe

One of the most significant blessings of salvation (new birth) is that we receive new identities. Our old self is dead and we are made new in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). But as much as the Holy Spirit is at work to reveal this new identity to us, the enemy is also at work trying to keep us from truly believing we are who God says we are. The heartbreaking reality is that there are many Christians who have been given a new identity but who do not choose to wear it. It’s as if, at salvation, we are given new robes that represent our new identities, but we often leave them hanging in the closet and choose to wear our old filthy rags instead. This may be because we think our new identities must be earned by good works or we feel more comfortable in our old identities. For others, we may not realize that we must actively choose to put our new identities on daily (Eph 4:22-24). Whatever the reason, many Christians stay bound in the distortion of their old identities, which limited them from experiencing the fullness of joy, peace, and freedom in Christ.