The Forging of Character- Sunday the 18th 2022
Today, we are going to talk about failure and our response to failure. Generally, it is our nature to conceal our faults. We like to produce results, and for many of us, failure is not an option, or we would like to think so. To fail in the area of hearing God or operating in the supernatural can bring an even higher sense of failure. These kinds of failings tend to cause us to steer away from putting ourselves into a situation where we would have to make that mistake again. Today, we are going to hear from Joseph. We are going to see his failure that led to a great consequence and how he responded to his crash, and what he chose to do in the face of failure and obstacles. Today, we will be challenged by Joseph's acts of resilience, and we will have to ask ourselves, "Will we follow in Joseph's footsteps of submission, learning, and forgiveness to allow God to forge our character?"