
That repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all nations.

Luke 24:47

“Around the globe with the Foursquare Gospel.”
With these words the Foursquare founder, Aimee Semple McPherson, focused the mission and message of the family of churches in which we belong.
From our inception as a fellowship in Ballard, God has called us to give generously
to the work of the Church throughout the nations.
God has placed our fellowship in Seattle but our vision is not limited by city boundaries, which were created by man. His heart is for all men and women to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone that calls this church home to invest themselves financially, practically and prayerfully
in the vision of missions in our church. If we do as the Lord directs
we will be full participants in the words of our Savior.  

Missionaries that we support

Paul and Marie - Regional Coordinators MENACA
Gary and Joy Peiss - Slovakia
Gary and Paula Hays - Missionaries to Children Around the World
Joshua and Hailey Wood - Missionaries to Croatia
Brandon and Marcie Brazee - Germany
Carvers, Creative Access Nation in Asia

Mission Ministries
Foursquare Missions Global Fund, Worldwide
YouthWise Mentoring, Seattle Public Schools

Learn more about missions

fill out the form below and email our missions' director